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发布时间:2019-08-14 16:34:03 所属栏目:策划 来源:美团安全应急响应中心
导读:缘起 偶刷《长安十二时辰》,午睡时,梦到我穿越到了唐朝,在长安城中的靖安司,做了一天的靖安司司丞。当徐宾遇害消失的时候我不在司内,当时的情形我不得而知。后来徐宾醒了,据他描述说通传陆三是暗桩,险些致徐宾于死地。而擅长大案牍术的高智商人才居

在2015年,Firefox 37开始,针对中级证书的检测,Mozilla也启用了自研的证书吊销状况检查机制OneCRL来代替OCSP机制,目的还是想解决CRL、OCSP机制的缺点。而中级证书是不能采用OCSP stapling方式,不允许被缓存的。所以…还有,RFC 6961 defines a mechanism for stapling OCSP responses for CA certificates. Since FIrefox does not rely on OCSP to validate intermediate certificates, we have no plans to implement support for this.

Firefox 官方短期内并无支持Multi-staple的打算。


在Firefox的官方WIKI上,提到针对域名证书的吊销验证分为如下5个方案:方案一:Short-Lived Certificates,默认情况下,针对有效期少于10天的证书,直接跳过验证,认为不安全。可以在security.pki.cert_short_lifetime_in_days参数里配置。方案二:OCSP Stapling,跟RFC规范一样。如果security.OCSP.enabled的值为0,则忽略OCSP response。方案三:OCSP Must-staple,跟RFC规范一样。可以通过设置security.ssl.enable_ocsp_must_staple或security.ssl.enable_ocsp_stapling 参数来禁用。


方案五:CRLite,类似Chrome CRLSets的一种检测机制,用于OCSP、OCSP stapling失败后的机制。Firefox的官方计划把这种机制作来代替CRL方式作为主要的检测机制(OCSPOCSP stapling失败后)。

4. Chrome

2012年,Chrome禁用了CRLs、OCSP检测: Google Chrome Will No Longer Check for Revoked SSL Certificates Online ,使用了自行设计的证书校验机制 CRLSets

那么,Chrome这么选择的理由是什么呢?显然,通过上面CRL跟OCSP两种验证方式的比较来看,前者时效性不行,后者影响性能。那么,google Chrome就决定自建证书吊销状态验证系统。Chrome的安全工程师Adam Langley在他的BLOG上写了一篇文章:《Revocation checking and Chrome’s CRL》,对于Chrome的HTTPS证书验证这块,Adam Langley可是非常有看法的,非常反对使用CRL、OCSP的方式来校验证书吊销状态,连续写了好几篇关于证书吊销状态检测的文章,同时,也在chromium的开发者主页上的安全板块有提到【What’s the story with certificate revocation?】:Chrome’s primary mechanism for checking the revocation status of HTTPS certificates is CRLsets.Chrome also supports Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP). However, the effectiveness of OCSP is is essentially 0 unless the client fails hard (refuses to connect) if it cannot get a live, valid OCSP response. No browser has OCSP set to hard-fail by default, for good reasons explained by Adam Langley (see [Revocation still doesn’t work](No, don’t enable revocation checking) and https://www.imperialviolet.org/2014/04/19/revchecking.html).

Stapled OCSP with the Must Staple option (hard-fail if a valid OCSP response is not stapled to the certificate) is a much better solution to the revocation problem than non-stapled OCSP. CAs and browsers are working toward that solution (see the Internet-Draft: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-hallambaker-tlssecuritypolicy-03).

Additionally, non-stapled OCSP poses a privacy problem: in order to check the status of a certificate, the client must query an OCSP responder for the status of the certificate, thus exposing a user’s HTTPS browsing history to the responder (a third party).

That said, you can use enterprise policies to enable soft-fail OCSP (http://www.chromium.org/administrators/policy-list-3#EnableOnlineRevocationChecks) and hard-fail OCSP for local trust anchors (http://www.chromium.org/administrators/policy-list-3#RequireOnlineRevocationChecksForLocalAnchors).

Chrome performs online checking for Extended Validation certificates if it does not already have a non-expired CRLSet entry covering the domain. If Chrome does not get a response, it simply downgrades the security indicator to Domain Validated.

See also this bug for more discussion of the user-facing UX: https://crbug.com/361820.

但这也不是完美解决了这个问题,来自【An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Chrome’s CRLSets】:

This means that Chrome’s CRLSet, which currently lists the serial numbers of 24,206 revoked certificates, reflects only 1.08% of the revoked certificates collected by Websense in one hour.


